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Come along and celebrate our 60th Anniversary.

What’s going on. 23rd / 24th March 2025

Open to the public. Free entry. Optional Donation at the door.

The Pie Collective. Enjoy good food from a local well received award winning pie man in a van👍

When they have gone they have gone! Saturday only in the car park.

We also have a fabulous Pub just up the Road called The Roebuck Pub Otley. For those who like a nice pint. Telephone 01943463063 to reserve a table if you require a meal.

In the Village Hall over the weekend.

Open 10am closed 4pm (3pm Sunday)

Tea & Coffee. Soft drinks will be available. 

Watch the 60th anniversary picture slide show over the clubs history over the 60 years.

Public Information board. Ideal for Scouts and Air Cadets, Schools. Find out what our club can do for you.

RSGB information available.

Radio magazine stall.

Vintage radio displays.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance stall manned by one of their volunteers over the weekend.

New and used equipment sale. Will you pick up a bargain?

Have a go at learning Morse code.

SDR live displays.

FT8 live working display. See who can hear us around the world.

Win link communication.

Yaesu WiresX


Satellite displays by Simon M0YKS from YouTube.

Discover OARS local C4FM repeater GB3WF

OARS APRS receiver

Mirfield Electronics stall (Sunday only)

Clubs Radio Shack will be open to visitors

See for yourself what the hobby is all about.

Live special event radio station.

Feel free to ask questions.  Members will be on hand to assist.

Our youngest member and licensed radio ham Dan aged 13 will be around to help any younger visitors.

Out Side in the field.

Antenna displays 

DX Comander.

See our OARS Trailer Mast in operation.


Newall With Clifton, Otley LS21 2ES



Demos are subject to members been available on the day.

Pie Night.

Otley Science Festival.

Otley Science Fair was on Saturday 16th November 2024.
OARS where their with a selection of working radio equipment. Morse code keys working Rotators, cans with strings for the kids. Walkie talkies SDR displays and the clubs RSGB information board.


Special event station for Wharfeale District Scouts and Guides
taking part in JOTA, Jamboree On The Air.

About JOTA:

About Wharfedale District Scouts:

Based at Reva Reservoir Scouts Water Activity Centre:

Churches & Chapels on the Air.

GB2ASF Churches & Chapels on the air All Saints Church Farnley.
Sat 14th Sep.

International Air Ambulance Week is 7th -15th Sep

Operating as GB0YAA from the club.

OARS AGM 7.30pm Tuesday 30th April.

Upcoming shack sale !

Please remember that Fish and Chip night is for club members family and friends only.

Check back for updates which will be posted as and when available.

Please note that the last club night for 2023 will be on the 19th of Deember and the club will reopen on the 9th of January 2024.


Otley Amateur Radio Society is pleased to announce we will be attending the Otley Science Festival at the Court House. Otley. Saturday 18 November.
We will be having Radio demos, information, and plenty of chatting to the visitors about our hobby. Great fun.???? Great day out.


Organised by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), JOTA–JOTI is the world’s largest digital and radio Scout event, taking place online and over the air. It stands for ‘Jamboree on the Air’ and ‘Jamboree on the Internet. ‘ It’s taking place on the 20 to 22 October 2023 this year

OARS will take part on the 21 & 22 of October at the Reva Reservoir, more information to follow.


The Award is in, Thank you to the members who took part, G6MHR.


At Otley Vintage Transport Extravaganza (with support from Percy the Pilot from the Yorkshire Air Ambulance ! ). YAA raised a total of £440 on the day assisted by Percy the Pilots efforts with his collection bucket and his directing people to the YAA stand to buy their merchandise,well done Percy!


Special event station on Saturday 9th September 2023 for ‘Churches on the Air’

Operated by Otley Amateur Radio Society 

All Saints Church, Farnley. (near Otley)

WAB Square : SE24

Maidenhead Locator : IO93DW

Postcode : LS21 2QH (note that using Google the postcode shows the Church Hall as “Farnley All Saints”, however  All Saints Farnley is labelled as “Farnley Church” about 200 metres to the West).

Map Reference : SE 21211  48224,    Lat: 53.928   Long: – 1.675

Details of the church can be found at : (see also postcode note)

Youtube video at :

List of participating Churches and clubs :

QSL cards not available.


The current Church building was built around 1851, but there is evidence of a much earlier building on the site. Stones from that building were used in the 1851 church and parts of the north wall were not demolished at all.

Archaeologists have found evidence of Roman tooling on some of the exterior stones, indicating that the medieval church had stones from an even earlier building. 

The building was used as the private Chapel for Farnley Hall. The steps to the south of the church, beyond the graveyard, led to a path directly to the Hall, less than half a mile away. The rear seating, accessed by a small ‘gate’ would have been occupied by the Squire and members of his family; it is likely that the staff of the hall would have used the gallery seating upstairs, which is not very comfortable! 

Much of the woodwork to the front of the church, is by Robert Thompson of Kilburn, affectionately know as ‘The Mouseman’, due to the additon of a mouse on his work. You may like to look for the mice, carved into the altar, reredos, communion rails, clergy stall and lectern. 

The East Window is of historic interest – it was formerly in a room in Farnley Hall, as can be seen in two watercolours by artist JMW Turner, who was a frequent visitor to the Hall; the squire Walter Hawksworth-Fawkes was Turner’s patron. The heraldic devices of the window are of the Hawksworth and Fawkes families, and of others connected with them. A separate leaflet gives a full description of the glass, the armorials and other devices. 

The West Window, best seen from the gallery was added in 1974 in memory of a former squire and his wife; it depicts the cross against the fields, woods and waters of Farnley. 

Farnley Church was previously a ‘chapel-of-ease’, under the governance of Otley Parish Church, though occasionally it seems to have had its own priest or vicar. In the early 20th Century services were usually taken by the Rector of Leathley; in 1926 Farnley was split off from Otley and made into a separate parish. Later it was united with the Parish of St Oswald’s at Leathley with whom they shared a clergyman or vicar. 

GB2RVA – JOTA 2022

Otley Amateur Radio Society were pleased to be back helping out Wharfedale District Scouts for their JOTA Scouts Radio event special Station GB2RVA on air 15th & 16th October at Reva Scout Water Activity Centre, Hawksworth. We had a fabulous day with fantastic (albeit windy) weather. The trailer mast was excellent as ever!

GB0SPN Mills on the Air

Saturday 7 May 2022

Otley Amateur Radio Society Radio Event – Woodbine Farm, Speeton.

The National Mills Weekend is organized by Denby Dale Amateur Radio Society and takes place across the UK every May. More than 300 windmills and watermills would be usually open to the public to celebrate our milling heritage.

The S.P.A.B. Mills section (Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) run this event every year on or around the second weekend in May, and Denby Dale Radio Society have co-ordinated the Radio side of this event for 26 years.

This event is not a contest, just a chance to have good time and promote Amateur Radio and discover the history of mills.

Please do not travel to site to visit unless you have pre booked with Otley Amateur Radio Society.

More information on and OARS Facebook page. 


Thinking Day on the Air.

Burley Scouts and Guides.


Otley Amateur Radio Society.

Special TDOTA event station. GB2BIW “Burley in Whalfedale”

Nr Ilkley West Yorkshire.

OARS ( will be operating this event station. 2mts and HF. Local repeater GB3WF Fusion repeater.

On air from 10am UK time.

Sunday 20th February 2022

Please look up via


Special event station for Wharfedale District Scouts and Guides who are taking part in JOTA – Jamboree On The Air.

Station run and operated by Scouts and Guides from the Wharfedale area with guidance,
support, training and all equipment supplied by the Otley Amateur Radio Society.
On Saturday 16th October 2021
10am until 4pm.

More information on

OARS AGM – Tuesday 28th September. Members only please. Starts at 7.30pm

Saturday 11th September CHOTA

CHOTA  Call sign GB2ASF

“Churches On The Air 2021”

Will be held on :

Saturday, 11th September. 

10.00am to 16.00pm BST.

At Farnley Church,
Farnley Lane.
Near Otley, Yorkshire , LS21 2QH

6th-14th September 2021 International Air Ambulance – IAA Week .

We are supporting our Yorkshire Air Ambulance.
Call Sign: GB0YAA Special event station.
Monday 6th to 14th September 2021
Charity t-shirts are available now to order at £7 each and baseball hats at £10 each.
Please see John G6MHR to place your orders. Thank you.
100% goes to YAA Charity.
Please see Facebook for updates / frequencies
John G6MHR Shack Manager

Used equipment Sale – Tuesday 3rd August 2021.

Otley Amateur Radio Society held an equipment sale on Tuesday 3 August 2021 at Clifton Village hall. The club had accumulated an assortment of old radio equipment, valves and receivers and decided to hold a sale to make space in the shack. Generous as ever, some members offered to donate equipment towards club funds, and also took the opportunity to sell their unused radios. With great support from fellow members who helped to organise the night, a £1 entry fee with a free raffle ticket raised £63 for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. With the backing of ICOM who kindly donated the raffle prizes and local trader Mirfield Electronics getting involved, it turned out to be a very successful evening.

Club update 26th July 2021.

We are pleased to announce the reopening of Clifton Village Hall on Tuesday club nights to our Members and Visitors. Why not call in between 7.30pm to 9.30pm to put a face to that callsign!

Toilet and kitchen facilities will continue to be available at the hall.

Please check for updates here and also on our Facebook page before travelling to an event as they are subject to change: