GB0YAA is the Special Event Station callsign of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance service.

The station is operated  by the Otley Amateur Radio Society.

Otley Amateur Radio Society actively supports the Yorkshire Air Ambulance service, an airborne medical emergency team that relies solely on charitable donations and sponsorship to keep it operational.

Further information about the Yorkshire Air Ambulance service can be found at

The club’s usual fund raising BBQ’s and Field days have been cancelled for the forseable future due to Covid19, however YAA still need support. This can be made by donating via the link below.

Yorkshire Air Ambulance have asked any Radio Hams whishing to donate to quote GB0YAA in the donation/event reference box on the website link below. This will allow their admin team to group all the donations together under this donor reference.

Thank you for your support.

Please visit

From John G6MHR 



CQ ZONE = 14

IOTA = EU005

Please contact G6MHR during Covid-19 lockdown for any QSL cards.