We are continuing to hold our regular nets on 2m, 4m and the club repeater, GB3WF.
- SUNDAYS – 2m FM Net – Every Sunday from 7.30pm. We start on the calling channel (145.500) then end up around 145.450 / 145.475. Please scan around to find us. All welcome. 4 metres on 70.3750 from 7pm
- TUESDAYS – GB3WF Net – As we are now back at the club on Tuesdays, the GB3WF net will not be run, however GB3WF will be monitored from the Shack. Please give a shout and get in the log.
- FRIDAYS – 2 meter ssb around 144.350 at 8pm for about half an hour or so then switching to FM bit later. QSY to 145.450 until 9pm. If conditions are good we will stay on ssb. 4 meters radio testing on 70.3750 from 7.40pm
*As the nets are all run by club members, there may be changes due to holidays or illness. If you do not hear anyone on the frequency, please call CQ – there are normally several club members around.
Please see the GB3WF Page for repeater info or our facebook page: https://fb.me/otleyradio